Create Water Project: Arizona-Sonora Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program

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Use the form below to define and describe a Project -- either built infrastructure or significant organizational initiative relating to water management


Project Type
Is this project primarily a built infrastructure project
(such as a dam, canal system, or treatment plant), or
primarily organizational, (such as a commission, group or
organizational initiative)?

Organizational Project Information

Purpose: What are the purposes of Arizona-Sonora Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program? (CTRL or COMMAND (apple) key to multi-select)

Monitoring: Is this organization tasked with monitoring some aspect of a water resource or group of resources?

Information Sharing: Is the organization required to or does it otherwise engage in information sharing?

Public Participation: Is there an expectation for the inclusion of public participation with this organization?

Dispute Resolution: Are there agreed upon methods for dispute resolution between organization members?

Water Resources: Which major water features (rivers, aquifers, estuaries, etc) are covered (guided, governed, etc) by this organization? You can add multiple features.

Water Features covered by this organization

Geography and Timespan

Within which world region is this project located?

If Arizona-Sonora Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program has start or end dates, include the year below. Start Date: End Date:

Article Content - Description/History/Context
This is the "body" of this water project article. The article should contain relevant, organized information about the project.

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Other projects may be associated with this project -- for example an initiative or commission may have authority over a specific dam, or a river linking project may have serious implications for dam operations -- and while these can be described in text of the Project Article, this sections allows you to insert a semantic link that ties this project article to related projects.

If an article exists, you can enter the title (e.g.: Ganges River, Mekong River Commission, Glen Canyon Dam, Indus Water Treaty), and it will be automatically linked to the case study. If the article does not exist, a new page will automatically be created for the feature. You will be able to see/edit that page by clicking the link when viewing your saved case study.

We suggest looking at the existing list of features, projects, and agreements.

Are there other Projects and Initiatives that are closely associated with this project?

Associated Water Projects

The contributing author, other editors, and admins can all provide public case review. Checking any of the boxes below will place a notice at the beginning of the case

To enhance the ability of a contributor to improve a case, please answer the yes/no questions below. For each "yes" (checked) answer, you should initiate a discussion on the case study discussion page to explain the improvements required.

The purpose of this review is to both encourage users to continually improve cases and also to alert readers that there are aspects of the case that could be improved. Any editor/contributor may remove an alert (by unchecking the related box) after the issue has been addressed.


Are 1 or more sections empty?
does the case/page need more formatting or copyediting help?
Are 1 or more sections incomplete?
Does the case/page need additional or better references?
Does the case/page need more internal links (to AquaPedia Pages)?
Does this case/page need more external links (to relevant external sources)?


Is content out of date? or, are there recent developments that should be addressed by the case?
Is there a dispute about the accuracy of the content?
Is there a need to represent additional points of view?
